Ready to get in the water? We have adventures coming up!
We have scheduled dives, classes, and get-togethers all year long. See what we have coming up!

No matter your diving skill level, we have a class for you!

If you are just getting started or want a refresher.

Rescue Diver
Accident supervision and management with practical applications in open water

Master Diver
This is the top of the recreational heap. Think you know your stuff? You can put it to the test.

Advanced SCUBA Diver
Night diving, navigation, tides and currents, advanced dive planning, and lift bags.
Tacoma SCUBA Blog Posts
Regulator Service Divers seem to come in three types: Type one: “I
These five things are going to be welcome upgrades to almost anyone’s dive gear, and as such make excellent ideas for gifts. (Even if you have to “gift” yourself one or three).

Kalen Hill
Kalen seems to be the person in charge of everything. Lately, she has been taking care of the website, advertising, merchandising, design management, cleaning, and putting up with Joshua.

Joshua Hill
Joshua holds all the extra titles. Bathroom scrubber, floor sweeper, scapegoat, whatever…
However, he can usually concentrate on diving just long enough to answer a question.
Heidi Kirk

Allen Raphael
Assistant Instructor

Tarin Todd
Assistant Instructor

Stena Troyer
Dive Master

Austin Lindsay